1 Cool Helper's HTML Starter
Here is the basic HTML Format. If you actually copied and pasted this code and ran it in your browser, it would be a page that said "The text of your page goes here", titled "Your Title". Anyway..here it is.
<title>Your Title</title>
The text of your page goes here.
A Closer Look
<html> & </html>- These tags, as they are called (NOTE: anything between the < and > signs is called a tag), just tell the computer that the language being used is HTML.
<head> & </head>- Encloses special tags that need not be discussed except what you are about to see.
<title> & </title>- What ever you want the title for your page to be, enclose it in these tags. If you look at the very top of the screen, you will see "1 Cool Helper's HTML Help Site". That is my title.
<body> & </body>- The main content of your page goes between these two tags. Also, the colors of your page are controled from the <BODY> tag. (NOTE:The first thing typed on your page will ALWAYS be <HTML>. The last 2 tags are </BODY> and </HTML>.)
Here is how to control the colors:
<body bgcolor="red" text="black" link="violet" vlink="blue">
bgcolor- this controls the background color. In this demonstration, the background color is red.
text- You problably guessed it. Yep, this controls the color of the main text. Pretty basic.
link- This controls the color of non-visited links. If someone surfs onto your site for the first time, then all yof your links will be this color.
vlink- Controls the color of links that a user has visited, or seen.
Q.- Can I make a baby blue background by putting a <body bgcolor="baby blue".....>?
A.- No. Only for the most basic colors, such as red, white, blue, green, etc., can be used like this. For any other color, you have to use the color's hexidecimal code, which looks like this: "#ffffff". That code is white.
That is all you need to know about colors for now.
Other Stuff:
<center> & </center>- Anything you want centered-put it betweed these tags.
<!--You Have A Big Nose-->- If you want to make a note to yourself about your site, put it in these marks.
Well, that about covers it. That is all I know to put in this page, so on to the next.