1 Cool Helper's HTML Tables Tutorial
Tables are pretty easy if you just sit down and learn them. I really don't use tables that much, but when the time arises, I find them useful. One example of a table is this whole site. There are a total of 2 table tags, and 5 table cells. I'll show you a simple 4-cell table.
The code:
<table width="100" border="3" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1">
<td align="center">Cell 1</td>
<td align="center">Cell 2</td>
<td align="center">Cell 3</td>
<td align="center">Cell 4</td>
What it looks like:
Cell 1 |
Cell 2 |
Cell 3 |
Cell 4 |
A Closer Look
<table> & </table> - The <table> tag tells your browser to make a table. The </table> tag tells the browser that you're done making the table.
width="" - You don't have to have this, but it will tell the browser how wide to make your table. You can specify pixels or percentages. There is also a height attrubute that does the same thing for the vertical length.
border="" - This attribute puts a "border" around the entire frame.
cellspacing="" - This is how much space there is between cells in pixels. I usually use 1, because I think it looks nice.
cellpadding="" - This is how many pixels there are between anything in your cell, and the border. Thanks Nellie for reminding me about these last two tags. =o)
<tr> & </tr> - This tag starts a row in tables. That's pretty much all there is to it.
<td> & </td> - This tag starts a table cell. Any content within a table will be between these tags. If it's not, it will not show up on the page.
It's finally finished - that is, this tutorial. I have been neglecting the site alot lately, and I apologize. I hope to be starting on a forms tutorial soon, and I just lately have updated a few things around the site. Thanks, and bye!